Published Articles


Pivnick, B.A. (2023). The empathy diaries: A memoir, JAPA, 71, 1, 165-170.

Pivnick, B.A. (2023). Homing in on adoption: Dreaming, drawing, and telling stories in relational psychotherapy. J of Infant, Child and Adolescent Psychotherapy, 22, 1, 62-75.

Pivnick, B.A. & Hassinger, J.A. (2023). The relational citizen as implicated subject: Emergent unconscious processes in the Psychoanalytic Community Collaboratory. In R Kabasakalian-McKay & D. Mark (Eds.). Inhabiting implication in racial oppression and relational psychoanalysis. NY: Routledge.

Connolly, M., Gobodo-Madikizela, P., Layton, L., Nichols, B., Pivnick, B., & Reading, R. (2022). What’s repaired in reparations: A conversation among psychoanalytic and social activists, Psychoanalytic Dialogues, 32, 1, 3-16.

Hassinger, J. & Pivnick, B.A. (2022). The ‘community turn’: Relational citizenship in the Psychoanalytic Community Collaboratory®, International Journal of Psychoanalysis, 103, 1, 120-143.

Hassinger, J. & Pivnick, B.A. (2021, October). The Psychoanalytic Community Collaboratory:  A methodology for preparing practitioners to work in community spaces. The Psychoanalytic Activist.

Pivnick, B.A. (2021). Recollecting the vanishing forms of 9/11: Twenty years of ruptures, ripples, and reflections. Psychoanalytic Perspectives, 18, 3, 279-295.

Pivnick, B.A. & Hassinger, J.A., (2021).  The child in the school, the school in the community, and the community in the child: Linking psychic and social domains in school violence prevention. International J Applied Psychoanalytic Studies, 2021, 1–12.

Pivnick, B.A. (2021). Unity beyond trauma? Clio’s Psyche, 27, 3, 294-299.

Pivnick, B.A. (2018). “Likening” the “Other”: Identifying and dis-identifying in adoptive parenting. In Adelman, A. (Ed.),

Pivnick, B.A. (2018). Behind the lines: Toward an aesthetic framework for psychoanalytic psychotherapy. Journal of Clinical Psychology,74, 218–232.

Pivnick, B.A. (2017). Transforming collapse: Applying clinical psychoanalysis to the relational design of the National September 11 Memorial Museum. International Forum of Psychoanalysis: Violence, Terror and Terrorism Today: Psychoanalytic Perspectives, Part II, Volume 26, Number 4, 248-257.

Pivnick, B.A. (2017). Creative analysis: Art, creativity, and clinical process by George Hagman. The Psychoanalytic Quarterly, 86, 2, 508-13.

Pivnick, B.A. (2017).  Encountering Chance. Psychoanalytic Perspectives, 14, 2, 258-60.

Pivnick, B.A. (2016). A work in progress. Psychoanalysis, Arts, and Humanities Blog, Association for Psychoanalysis, Culture and Society.

Pivnick, B.A. (2015). Spaces to stand in: Applying clinical psychoanalysis to the relational design of the National September 11 Memorial Museum.  (Winner of the APA Division 39 Section Five Schillinger Memorial Essay Award.) Division/Review, 13, 19-24.

Pivnick, B.A. (2015). Grief and reason: A response to Kandel’s Age of Insight. The Psychoanalytic Quarterly, 84, 209- 222.

Pivnick, B.A. & Hennes, T. (2014). Managing collapse: Memorializing September 11th through the co-creation of a memorial museum.  In O’Loughlin, M. (Ed.). The Ethics of Remembering and the Consequences of Forgetting: Essays on Trauma, History and Memory. NY: Rowman & Littlefield.

Pivnick, B.A. (2014). Death, mourning, and a daughter’s diary: A psychoanalytic perspective. In P. Cohen, M. Sossin, and R. Ruth (Eds.), Healing in the wake of parental loss: Clinical applications and therapeutic strategies. Northvale, NJ: Jason Aronson.

Beebe, B., McCrorie, E., & Pivnick, B. (December, 2013). Poetry of 9/11: Trauma, grief, and imagination.  Clio’s Psyche: Understanding the “Why” of Culture, Current Events, History, and Society. (Special Issue on Poetry and Psychohistory), Vol. 20, #3, 314-323.

Pivnick, B.A. (Fall/Winter, 2013). Writing alone in the presence of others. The American Psychoanalyst, 47, 4.

Pivnick, B.A. (2013). What the living did: September 11th and its aftermath. In Adelman, A & Malawista, K. (Eds.). The therapist in mourning: From the faraway nearby. NY: Columbia University Press.

Pivnick, B.A. (2013). The beholder’s share: An intersubjective review of Bromberg’s Shadow of the Tsunami. The Psychoanalytic Quarterly, 82, 1, 179-192.

Boldt, G. & Pivnick, B.A. (2013). Moments of meeting: Learning to play with reading resistance. In M. O’Loughlin, (Ed.). The uses of psychoanalysis in working with children’s lives, pp. 245-263. Lanham, MD: Jason Aronson.

Pivnick, BA. (2011, September). Enacting remembrance: Turning toward memorializing September 11th. Journal of Religion and Health, 50, 3, 499-515. NY: Springer.

Pivnick,  BA. (2011, Summer). Memorializing 9/11 on its tenth anniversary.  PsychMatters: An online magazine of the New York State Psychological Association Division of Psychoanalysis, Issue # 12, pp. 3-5

Pivnick, B.A. (2010). A museum visitor’s guide to the universe. Curator: The Museum Journal, 53, 3, 359-371.



Pivnick, B.A. (2023). Intersubjective Listening in Polarizing Times. Presentation/Workshop. Columbia University Teachers College Clinical Psychology Program. (11/15/2023).

Hassinger, J. & Pivnick, B. (2023). The 21st Century Psychoanalytic Citizen in Psychotherapy and Group Life. Keynote lecture for the Antonio Virsida Commemorative Conference. Southeast Florida Association for Psychoanalytic Psychology & Nova Southeastern University. (11/11/2023).

Pivnick, B. & Hassinger, J. (2023). The Psychoanalytic Community Collaboratory: Expanding the Borders of Psychoanalytic Practice.  Keynote lecutre for the Antonio Virsida Commemorative Conference. Southeast Florida Association for Psychoanalytic Psychology & Nova Southeastern University. (11/11/2023).

Pivnick, B.A. (2022). Homing in on Adoption: Dreaming, drawing, and telling stories in relational psychotherapy. Keynote address for The Arc of Adoption: Narratives from a Personal and Clinical Perspective. Westchester Center for the Study of Psychoanalysis and Psychotherapy Annual Conference, November 19, 2022.

Pivnick, B.A. (2022, June). The Community Collaboratory @ PsiAN: Fostering the Depth Therapist’s Group Citizenship. Interview with Bevin Campbell on PsiAn Forum Live, June 24, 2022.

Pivnick, B.A. (2022, June). Emergent Unconscious Processes in the Psychoanalytic Community Collaboratory, in B. Pivnick (Chair). Relational Citizenship: Linking Self, Group and Society. International Association for Relational Psychoanalysis and Psychotherapy, Los Angeles, CA. June 16, 2022.

Pivnick, B.A. & Hassinger, J.A. (2022, May). The relational citizen as implicated subject: Emergent unconscious processes in the Psychoanalytic Community Collaboratory. International Psychohistorical Association. New York City, May 20, 2022.

Pivnick, B.A. (2021). Recollecting the vanishing forms of 9/11. In Liliker,D. (Chair). 9/11 Twenty Years On: How One Day Changed the World. Bournemouth University, Faculty of Media and Communication Research Seminar. Bournemouth UK.  Dec. 8, 2021.

Pivnick, B.A. (2021). The relational citizen as implicated subject: Emergent unconscious processes in the Psychoanalytic Community Collaboratory.  Association for Psychoanalysis of Culture and Society. (virtual).

Pivnick, B.A. & Reading, R. (2021). The Couched Podcast. WAWI Artist Study Group. Nov. 4, 2021.

Connolly, M., Gobodo-Madikizela, P., Layton, L., Nichols, B., Pivnick. B. & Reading, R.  (2022). What’s Repaired in Reparations: A Conversation among Psychoanalytic and Social Activists. Couched Podcast Live Recording and APA Div. 39, April 22, 2021.

Pivnick, B.A. (2020). “Writing the Disaster”: Memorial Museum Consultation and the Community Psychoanalyst. Center for Public Mental Health, William Alanson White Institute, New York, NY, January 7, 2020.

Hassinger, J. & Pivnick, B. (2019, December). The Psychoanalytic Community Collaboratory: A methodology for preparing practitioners to work in community spaces.Michigan Psychoanalytic Society and Institute. Farmington Hills, MI.

Pivnick, B.A. (2019). The Frame and the Field: A Discussion of Ona Lindquist’s “A Barter to Be: A Psychoanalysis in Art and Verse.” Institute for Psychoanalytic Training and Research, New York City, NY, April 26, 2019.

Pivnick, B.A. (2019, March). Remembering the Vanishing Forms of 9/11: Ruptures, Ripples, and Reflections. International Society for the Study of Trauma and Dissociation Annual (ISSTD) Conference, Sheraton Times Square New York, New York, NY. March 28, 2019

Pivnick, B.A. (2018, November). Likening the Other: Identifying and Dis-identifying in Adoptive Parenting.”  William Alanson White Child and Adolescent Psychotherapy Training Program Colloquium: Psychoanalysts Reflect on Parenting Today’s Young Adults:  Personal Takes on Modern Love, Loss and Longing. William Alanson White Institute, New York, NY. November 15, 2018.

Pivnick, B.A. (2018, November). Parsing the poetics of place in psychoanalytic psychotherapy. Invited talk.  Center for Modern Psychoanalytic Studies, New York, NY. November 2, 2018.

Pivnick, B.A. (2018, October).  Orphans in the news. In Charles, M., Roundtable Chair. Not Nearly Good Enough: A Psychoanalytic Conversation About Transforming Our Children’s Uncertain Futures. Association for Psychoanalysis, Culture and Society. Rutgers University Conference Center, New Brunswick, NJ. October 19, 2018.

Pivnick, B.A. & Maksimowicz, C. (2018, October). Giving voice to your view: Writing at the intersection of psychoanalysis, culture and society: A writing workshop. Association for Psychoanalysis, Culture and Society. Rutgers University Conference Center, New Brunswick, NJ. October 20, 2018.

Pivnick, B.A. & Hennes, T. (2018, October). Illusion, Disillusion, and Lessons Learned while Memorializing Trauma: Revisiting a 2012 APCS Discussion of the Design of the 9/11 Museum. Association for Psychoanalysis, Culture and Society. Rutgers University Conference Center, New Brunswick, NJ. October 20, 2018.

Pivnick, B.A. (2018, June). Not at Home in History: Viewing the Work of Gonzalo Acuna, Julie Cake and Yoav Antman through a Psychoanalytic Poetics of Space. Discussant for The Lasting Impacts of Historical and Political Trauma Panel. IARPP, 16th Annual Conference. The Roosevelt Hotel, New York, NY.

Pivnick, B.A. (2018, June).  Ghostly Communications: Enacting Erasure When Annihilation Anxiety Comes Calling. Paper for Invited Symposium: The Collaboratory. APSAA 107th Annual Meeting, Palmer House, Chicago, IL. June 22, 2018.

Pivnick, BA. (2018, May).  Love, Loss, and What I Read.  Conference Chair’s Introduction, “Literate Living, Literate Listening” Spring, 2018 Conference. New Directions Program in Writing with a Psychoanalytic Edge, Washington-Baltimore Center for Psychoanalysis.

Pivnick, B.A. (2018, April.) Ghostly Communications: Enacting Erasure When Annihilation Anxiety Comes Calling. In Alpert, J., Moderator. “The Collaboratory”: Educating Psychoanalytically-Informed Consultants for Work in Non-Conventional Settings. APA Division 39.  Intercontinental Hotel, New Orleans, LA. April 21, 2018.

Pivnick, BA. (2018, April).  Moderator’s Remarks.  Playing with Community: Psychoanalytic and Artistic Activists Engage. Humanities and Psychoanalysis Committee Panel.  APA Division 39. Intercontinental Hotel, New Orleans, LA. April 20, 2018.

Pivnick, B.A. (2017, Nov.). Searching for a Relational Home: Formulating Psychoanalytic Responses to Culture Loss. National Association of Applied Psychoanalysis. Hebrew Union College, New York City. November 17, 2017.

Pivnick, B.A. (2017, Oct.). Ghostly Communications: Enacting Erasure When Catastrophic Anxiety Comes Calling. APCS, Rutgers, New Brunswick NJ. (Oct 21, 2017).

Pivnick, B.A. (2017, April). Creating a relational home in an unsafe world. In J. Turkus, Panel Chair, Therapy in an Unsafe World: The Impact of Terrorism on Clients and Therapists. ISSTD Conference. Crystal Gateway Marriott. Washington DC, April 2, 2017.

Pivnick, B.A. (2017, April). Co-Chair.  Liminal Space in Psychoanalysis and the Arts. Humanities and Psychoanalysis Committee Invited Panel, Division 39 APA Annual Spring Conference, Hilton Hotel, New York, NY.

Pivnick, B.A., (2016). Transforming Collapse: Applying Clinical Psychoanalysis to the Relational Design of the National September 11 Memorial Museum. In Pivnick, B.A., Chair, Creative Transformations of Trauma. Panel for Listening to Trauma: Insights and Actions (The Second Washington Conference on Trauma).  George Washington University. October 22, 2016.

Pivnick, B. A. (2016).  Making Homes: Crossings, Dwellings, and Indwelling. In Charles, M., Chair. Maternal Metaphors and Transformation: Art, Culture, and the Possibility of Dreaming Together. Panel at Association for Psychoanalysis, Culture, and Society. October 15, 2016.

Pivnick, B.A., (2016). Dreaming of Home: Drawing out the Nascent Self in Therapy with the Immigrant Adoptee.  In Rothschild & O’Loughlin, Chairs. On Falling Forever and Other Nightmares.  Roundtable at Association for Psychoanalysis, Culture, and Society. October 15, 2016.

Pivnick, B.A. (2016). Transforming Collapse: Applying Clinical Psychoanalysis to the Relational Design of the National September 11 Memorial Museum. In Black, M, Chair, Art and Terrorism: Transformation of Trauma, Plenary Panel at the International Federation of Psychoanalytic Societies’ XIX International Forum of Psychoanalysis Conference, “Violence, Terror and Terrorism Today: Psychoanalytic Perspectives”, Roosevelt Hotel, New York, NY, May 15, 2016.

Pivnick, B.A. (2016). At home with activism. In Hassinger, J., Chair, Psychoanalysis and Activism:  Inside and Outside the Consulting Room. APA Division of Psychoanalysis (39) Panel, 36th Annual Spring Meeting, Westin Hotel, Atlanta, GA, April 6-10.

Pivnick, B.A. (2016). Writing Lives, Hearing Lives: Applying Clinical Psychoanalysis to the Relational Design of the National September 11 Memorial Museum. In S. Hershberg, Chair, Psychoanalysis and Biography Discussion Group. American Psychoanalytic Association National Meeting, Waldorf Astoria Hotel, January 19.

Pivnick, B.A. (2015). Home: Scene and Unseen. In White, C., Organizer. Home: A Poetics of Space. White Society Faculty Colloquium. William Alanson White Institute, New York, NY, November 11, 2015.

Pivnick, B.A. (2013, Feb.)  Playing with Textuality: Weaving Words and Self States in Early Childhood and Psychotherapy. Invited talk. New Directions Program for Writing with a Psychoanalytic Edge.  Washington Center for Psychoanalysis,Washington DC.

Pivnick, B.A. (2012, October). Intergenerational transmission of trauma in infancy. In M.O’Loughlin, Chair, Troubling trauma, troubling treatment.  Roundtable discussion.  Association for Psychoanalysis, Culture and Society Conference.  New Brunswick NJ.

Pivnick, B.A. & Hennes, T. (2012, October). Memorializing September 11th through the co-creation of a memorial museum. In M. O’Loughlin, Chair, Illusion and disillusion in memorializing trauma: Designing the National September 11th l Memorial Museum.  Roundtable discussion.  Association for Psychoanalysis, Culture and Society Conference.  New Brunswick, NJ.

Pivnick, B.A. (2012, Feb.). Death and a Daughter’s Diary. Paper presented at William Alanson White Institute, Child and Adolescent Psychotherapy Training Program Open House.

Pivnick, BA & Hennes, T. (2011, September). Designing a museum to facilitate the emergence of meanings after 9/11.  In S. Brennan, Chair, Managing Collapse: Facilitating the Emergence of Meanings after 9/11. Panel at meeting of the Manhattan Psychological Association, John Jay College, NYC, NY, September 11, 2011.

Pivnick, BA. (2011, August). Turning to Memorializing 9/11: Reflections of a Psychologist.  In S. Brennan, Chair, Transforming Communal Trauma and Grief into a Community of Memory: The 9/11 Legacy.  Panel at Meetings of the American Psychological Association, Washington DC, August 6, 2011.

Pivnick, B.A. (2010, Mar.) Trauma in Translation:The Effect of Object Loss on Discourse, Reflective Functioning, and Symptomatic  Behavior during Psychotherapy in Literature and Clinical Practice. Plenary Panel, H. Steele, Chair: Reflective Functioning and Trauma Narrative. Trauma: Intersections Among Narrative, Neuroscience, and Psychoanalysis. Conference at George Washington University, March 5, 2010

Pivnick, B.A. (2007, Jan.). Cross-Dressed to Kill: In Defense of a Bearded Lady. Paper presented at the meeting of the Psychoanalysis and Law Discussion Group, American Psychoanalytic Association, New York, NY.

Professional/Research Society Memberships

APA (American Psychological Assn)
NYSPA (NY State Psychological Assn)
APCS (Assn for Psychoanalysis, Culture and Society)
IARPP (International Assn for Relational Psychotherapy and Psychoanalysis)
ISSTD (International Society for Study of Trauma and Dissociation)
Professional Leadership Roles


Co-Chair, Humanities and Psychoanalysis Committee, Division 39, APA
Member at Large, Section Five, Division 39. APA
Board Member, Association for Psychoanalysis, Culture, and Society
Editor, Psychoanalysis, Arts & Humanities Blog,
Associate Editor, Contemporary Psychoanalysis
Editorial Board Member, Journal of Religion and Health
Editorial Board Member, American Journal of Dance Therapy